Ladies Spark 2025 is coming soon! This year we have a sports theme--Having a Ball. The fun will begin at 1:00 p.m. (after a 12:00 p.m. lunch). Be prepared to suit up and hit the field (figuratively, of course) and compete in the games, hear great preaching and teaching from our guests speakers, Jason and Angie Gaddis, and have some good fellowship while eating a delicious meal.
We will also have a matching jersey contest. Each church can dress up with matching jerseys/costumes as one sports team. We will pick one church to win a free trip to next year's Spark (up to 10 people) based on inspiration, ingenuity, and creativity.
All ladies ages 14 and up are welcome. (Children under 14 will not be allowed to come with the exception of nursing babies.) The cost will be $30 per person if paid by March 24th. Register early to get the best seating. Your church representative needs to fill out the form below to register. Remember--you will not be registered until you have paid. If the registration fee is not paid by March 24th, the cost will be $35 per person. We look forward to seeing all of you there!